Lee Bae

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Artists, Blogt



Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is a Paris-based artist exploring identity, memory, and entropy. His work has been exhibited globally and is held in collections worldwide.

Lee Bae

Lee Bae

Ces oeuvres rappellent le grand intérêt que Lee Bae porte à la matière et à la façon, lente, de la travailler. Elles remettent en avant une quête spirituelle et une dimension du temps omniprésentes dans sa démarche: le temps inhérent à l’histoire même du charbon de bois et à la manière dont il le traite. – Henri-François Debailleux

See more artworks by Lee Bae here.

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Pablo Artist
Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is an independent artist based in Paris. A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Dijon, his work explores themes of identity, memory, and entropy. With exhibitions across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, his art is featured in private collections worldwide, reflecting a profound engagement with transformation and universal narratives.


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