Ludovic Le Couster & Sébastien Preschoux

by | Apr 12, 2009 | Artists, Blogt, photos



Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is a Paris-based artist exploring identity, memory, and entropy. His work has been exhibited globally and is held in collections worldwide.

Ludovic Le Couster  Sébastien Prechoux

Ludovic Le Couster and Sebastien Prechoux

While hicking on the the outskirts forests of Paris (right around where Vincent van Gogh lived his last days: Auvers Sur Oise) we found some installations while we were walking… later on that afternoon we met one of the artists doing the installations and were happy to talk installation art in the forest… I took a couple of pics to share… (information via comptineduquotidien)

Ludovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien PrechouxLudovic Le Couster & Sébastien Prechoux

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Pablo Artist
Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is an independent artist based in Paris. A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Dijon, his work explores themes of identity, memory, and entropy. With exhibitions across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, his art is featured in private collections worldwide, reflecting a profound engagement with transformation and universal narratives.


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