Portraits d’Amis Vernissage

Portraits d’Amis, originally uploaded by pablogt. Here is a few pictures of the Vernissage Portraits d’Amis, an exhibition at Galerie Jeune Creation by Pablo Gonzalez-Trejo. I made tried making portraits of friends and proposed for them to be errased by my friends,...

Portraits d’Amis

Galerie Jeune Création presents “Portraits d’Amis” Pablo González Trejo Vernissage Thursday September 11th 2008, 18h00 Exhibition runs from September 12th to October 3rd 2008 Ten friends’ portraits made prior to the reception will be erased during the reception...

Bodies to do

Yesterday I went to a cool Vernisage of a group show called Corps à Faire at Galerie Jeune Creation were I saw a cool performance I did not understand where the shapes reminded me of an old Max Ernst painting.