Hans Op de Beeck

Hans Op de Beeck

One realizes that op De Beeck has something of his fictional characters within him and, under the auspices of fiction, is opening a discussion about the benefits of building a symbolic structure to inhabit, a latticed bulwark against life’s turmoil that is more...
Paul Merrick

Paul Merrick

I combine painting with sculpture, and the made with the ready-made. Investigating colour, form and architectural and special arrangements in relationship to painting as a subject and discipline in and of itself. My new work is the result of a sustained interrogation...
Victor Man

Victor Man

In an essay presented to the 16th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in 1949 the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan located the formation of the self in the mirror reflection. Identity, as Lacan understood it, arose in the recognition of the...
Jacob Kassay

Jacob Kassay

Kassay’s monochromes experiment with history. “I think that the work I’m doing could’ve been made sixty years ago. Everything I’m working with now was available then,” – Aimee Walleston See more artworks by Jacob Kassay...
David Claerbout

David Claerbout

In a not-so-secluded, but unforgiving room on the fourth floor of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, three of David Claerbout’s videos formed a claustrophobic horseshoe of exuberance and brutality – Eugenia Bell See more artworks by David Claerbout...
Anna Gaskell

Anna Gaskell

Consider the suggestive confusion between wonder and wander – as if getting lost and digression were at the root of amazement, of change, even of knowledge – Casey Kaplan See more artworks by Anna Gaskell here.