Promiscuous Girl/Boy

Loose As I spend an evening listening to the sticky tune by Nelly Furtado, Promiscuous Girl, I can not stop thinking of some girls. No words from me.. at this time, maybe in a future posting During a party last week, I saw this girl I was hitting on being played by a...

Mishima Mon Amour

I first heard of Mishima from a friend I loved, she told me that he was one of Japan’s greater writers. Time passed and I later purchased in an impulse many of Philip Glass’ recordings. One of them was Mishima, I loved the music and listen to it for more than a year…...

Thinking outside the box

Teaches of Peaches (Bonus CD) Normally when people would use the expression “thinking outside the box”, I would understand that I need to do my job some what different from others and to approach the task with a different perspective. Today I was told to think outside...