Lucy Skaer

by | Jun 30, 2016 | Artists, Blogt



Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is a Paris-based artist exploring identity, memory, and entropy. His work has been exhibited globally and is held in collections worldwide.

Lucy Skaer

Lucy Skaer

Lucy Skaer created these drawings consisting of rhythmic black sharpie spirals in grids, pictorial shapes, and patterns additionally filled in with graphite like a tapestry. She wove together different earlier drawings as a patchwork and utilized a few assistants to carry out the tedious, repetitive labor. Here, we see a play with drawing on paper at an architectural scale. A tension exists between the intricate, repetitive detail in graphite (which we may see as lushly decorative) and the bodily scale shift to a larger, wholesome framework. – Drawing Art Center

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Pablo Artist
Pablo González-Trejo (b. 1973, Cuba) is an independent artist based in Paris. A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Dijon, his work explores themes of identity, memory, and entropy. With exhibitions across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, his art is featured in private collections worldwide, reflecting a profound engagement with transformation and universal narratives.


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