by Pablo | Jul 1, 2015 | Artists, Blogt
Hay un poema del escritor nigeriano Ben Okri, titulado La entrada, que la artista holandesa Elly Strik (La Haya, 1961) pone como ejemplo para hablar del significado de su obra. En esos versos se habla de los objetos siniestros que germinan en nuestros sueños, del...
by Pablo | May 17, 2015 | Art Texts, Blogt
Por Luciano Mattuella 1 Se o que somos está baseado nas experiências que vivemos e as memórias destas experiências se modificam no tempo, então nós não somos nada mais que uma metáfora de nós mesmos. – Pablo Gonzalez-Trejo Considerações iniciais Se a arte...
by Pablo | Mar 28, 2015 | Artists, Blogt
in Sassen’s exhibition, the interplay between style and genre becomes something both conceptual and downright physical. Thus the formal galleries help to immediately assert what the exhibition text refers to a ‘museuological touch’ to Sassen’s depiction of a ‘fleeting...
by Pablo | Jan 10, 2015 | Artists, Blogt
One realizes that op De Beeck has something of his fictional characters within him and, under the auspices of fiction, is opening a discussion about the benefits of building a symbolic structure to inhabit, a latticed bulwark against life’s turmoil that is more...
by Pablo | Dec 2, 2014 | Artists, Blogt
I combine painting with sculpture, and the made with the ready-made. Investigating colour, form and architectural and special arrangements in relationship to painting as a subject and discipline in and of itself. My new work is the result of a sustained interrogation...