Emmanuel Le Cerf

Emmanuel Le Cerf

Emmanuel Le Cerf is be doing some infrared led based metamorphic art defacing. See more of Emmanuel Le Cerf’s artworks here.
Alma Haser

Alma Haser

Alma Haser is doing some art defacing photography. See more of her work here. Lightbulb – Alma Haser from Stephenson / Bishop on Vimeo.

Grey Paintings

You are invited to Grey Paintings by Pablo Gonzalez Trejo at The Floor in Barcelona opening Friday October 18, 2013. Join Us The Floor Musitu 08023 Barcelona, Spain Phone +34 933 01 86 28 Email:...

Nina Beier

Nina Beier is doing some art defacing sculptures. Comes to you via Federico Nessi. See more artworks by Nina Beier at Standard Oslo.

Emir Šehanović

Emir Šehanović does some art Defacing collages rather disturbing but interesting anyhow. See more artworks by Emir Šehanović here.