by Pablo | Feb 12, 2018 | Artists, Blogt
Parallèlement, Martin Le Chevallier réalise des films, des sortes de fictions/concepts au ton inimitable, drôle, décalé et toujours pertinent, entre autre personnifié par l’excellent Gaëtan Vourc’h, l’acteur que l’on retrouve aussi bien dans L’an 2008, une fable...
by Pablo | Aug 30, 2015 | Artists, Blogt
In the early 80s, Rosalind Krauss launched a theory about 70s art that seemed to say it all: 70s art was built on the photographic model, she said, it was indexical, tracing a ground rather than representing it. Had the work of the late Californian artist Robert...
by Pablo | Nov 6, 2014 | Artists, Blogt
In a not-so-secluded, but unforgiving room on the fourth floor of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, three of David Claerbout’s videos formed a claustrophobic horseshoe of exuberance and brutality – Eugenia Bell See more artworks by David Claerbout...
by Pablo | Apr 10, 2014 | Artists, Blogt
Emmanuel Le Cerf is be doing some infrared led based metamorphic art defacing. See more of Emmanuel Le Cerf’s artworks here.
by Pablo | Mar 6, 2014 | Artists, Blogt
Koen Hauser does some art defacing stills installed as animations. See more of his artwork here.