by Pablo | Sep 9, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Xinyi Cheng surprend par ses visions doucement perverses de la masculinité occidentale. Et incarne par extension la relation pacifiée à l’appropriation culturelle d’une nouvelle génération d’artistes chinois à la culture visuelle décloisonnée. – Ingrid...
by Pablo | Jul 4, 2016 | Artists, Blogt
Paintings may be pictures, but they are always objects. The blatant materiality of Sergej Jensen’s canvases made them seem part of the interior architecture of Neu’s gallery. Jensen has consistently had an ambivalent relation to the spaces in which he shows his work....
by Pablo | Jun 7, 2016 | Artists
Jeremy Demester: D’origine gitane, que le jeune artiste (né en 1988) revendique à travers son art et ses voyages, il travaille sur le rapport de l’homme avec le monde, la nature et les mythes fondateurs. En collaboration avec ses amis philosophes, scientifiques,...
by Pablo | Nov 6, 2015 | Artists, Blogt
It’s not worth it, says Allen. And it might not be worth for Lebrija either, whose dark Mexican humour and metaphysical bent continues a great tradition of artists and writers. Bittersweet and lucid nihilists, who, despite the impending shadow of failure, never cease...
by Pablo | Nov 6, 2014 | Artists, Blogt
In an essay presented to the 16th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in 1949 the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan located the formation of the self in the mirror reflection. Identity, as Lacan understood it, arose in the recognition of the...