Emmanuel Le Cerf

Emmanuel Le Cerf

Emmanuel Le Cerf is be doing some infrared led based metamorphic art defacing. See more of Emmanuel Le Cerf’s artworks here.


Join me for a defacing performance November 4th at 7:30 pm at Le 104CENTQUATRE as part of my ongoing Defacing Art Project. Exhibition runs from November 4th to the 8th, 2009. Vernissage opening starts at 6:00 pm Le 104CENTQUATRE 104 rue d’Aubervilliers / 5 rue Curial...

The Radicant & Stealing The Mona Lisa

Somewhere between the The Radicant by Nicolas Bourriaud (page 16 here quoted) and Stealing the Mona Lisa by Darian Leader and his take on the public reaction to it being missing, I have confirmed my fears about the passive spectators of a museum gallery, they deface...

Defacing ou les strates de la mémoire

par Christina Vatsella Le projet Defacing de Pablo Gonzalez-Trejo oscille entre la peinture et l’œuvre performative. Le projet se déroule en deux étapes distinctes. Dans un premier temps, l’artiste crée des portraits des gens qui ont marqué l’histoire, comme Che...