Netz Dickicht

Here are a few pics of Gerhard Richter’s artwork at a recently opened exhibition at the Marian Goodman Gallery in Paris… Some abstract paintings have titles like NETZ (Net), WEISS (White), DICKICHT (Thicket) and GESTEIN (Stone) that make discreet allusions...

Domfenster at Köln Dom

Domfestner is a 20 meter high stained glass window at the Köln Dom Cathedral based on Gerhard Richter’s 1970 abstract work titled “4096 Farben” or 4096 Colors for those like me that don’t know German… this artwork features, squares of...

Gerhard Richter

Koln, originally uploaded by pablogt. Last weekend I had a nice love weekend with my girl in Koln were we visited the city (Gerhard Richter’s home town) and the Ludwig Museum where there was a Piet Mondrian exhibition with cool retrospective artworks and where...