Defacing at The Freedom Tower

The Defacing project by Pablo Gonzalez-Trejo to open at the Freedom Tower in Miami on May 14, 2009. Here is some of the history on this building… by way of wiki The Freedom Tower is a 1925 building in Miami, Florida, that serves as a memorial to Cuban...


Etymology de- + face Pronunciation Rhymes: -eɪs Verb Infinitive to deface Third person singular defaces Simple past defaced Past participle defaced Present participle defacing to deface (third-person singular simple present defaces, present participle defacing, simple...

Alas it is delusion all

THEY say that Hope is happiness But genuine Love must prize the past; And Memory wakes the thoughts that blest They rose the first they Set the last And all that Memory loves the most Was once our only hope to be; And all that hope adored and lost Hath melted into...