by Pablo | Jan 21, 2018 | Artists, Blogt
In 1986, when Jim Hodges had just graduated from art school, he regularly destroyed his own finished works. The materials he used then — mainly dirt and dust — were throwaways anyway. But these ritual mutilations, he said, reflected “a punk attitude of destruction, a...
by Pablo | Jan 21, 2018 | Artists, Blogt
Yamamoto Masao writes the following in Shizuka (Cleanse) Living in the forest, I feel the presence of many “treasures” breathing quietly in nature. I call this presence “Shizuka.” “Shizuka” means cleansed, pure, clear, and untainted. I walk around the forest and...
by Pablo | Dec 8, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Art alone makes life possible – this is how radically I should like to formulate it. I would say that without art man is inconceivable in physiological terms. – Joseph Beuys
by Pablo | Nov 21, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Ce motif millénaire, il le fend par le milieu. On n’est pas pour rien disciple de Chiang-Tzu ! Et des hémi-femmes qui en découlent il se sert pour river son clou au métal estoffié : à sculpteur cultivé femmes culturistes. C’est là bien sûr qu’il se...
by Pablo | Nov 14, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Photography is dead. That news may come as a surprise, since obituaries about art tend to be written about painting. Invented in the 1830s, photo-graphy is still in its infancy as an art form compared to the centuries-old medium of painting. Despite inventions like...
by Pablo | Oct 24, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Ces oeuvres rappellent le grand intérêt que Lee Bae porte à la matière et à la façon, lente, de la travailler. Elles remettent en avant une quête spirituelle et une dimension du temps omniprésentes dans sa démarche: le temps inhérent à l’histoire même du charbon de...
by Pablo | Sep 9, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Xinyi Cheng surprend par ses visions doucement perverses de la masculinité occidentale. Et incarne par extension la relation pacifiée à l’appropriation culturelle d’une nouvelle génération d’artistes chinois à la culture visuelle décloisonnée. – Ingrid...
by Pablo | May 19, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
Artiste allemand installé en Alsace depuis les années 1960, Lothar Quinte fut au début de sa carrière un créateur de vitraux. Il a également participé, dans les années 1950, u mouvement de l’abstraction et de la « peinture pure ». Son art – qui s’est toujours refusé à...
by Pablo | Jan 3, 2017 | Artists, Blogt
See more artworks by David Hominal here.
by Pablo | Nov 26, 2016 | Artists, Blogt
There is a crisis with regard to Representation. They are looking for Meaning as if it was a thing. As if it was a girl, required to take her panties off as if she would want to do so, as soon as the true interpreter comes along. As if there was something to take off....